Fetch jobs for printer

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,


we`ve managed to register and fetch a device/access token described at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/universal-print/hardware/universal-print-oem-printer-registration. The next step would be to use these tokens to fetch jobs which were sent to this printer. Do i have to use the "normal" graph API endpoints to fetch these jobs? Or is there another way to fetch the jobs for the registered printer?




4 Replies


Hi, Dennis.

Universal Print is built on the standard IPP protocol from PWG. Please consult the protocol documentation for information about communication between printers and cloud service endpoints.

To find out to what cloud service end points you need to send requests, use the printService resource in the Graph.

Hi @Rani_Abdellatif 

From endpoint beta/print/services I am able to get this address:
"displayName": "Microsoft Universal Print IPP Service",
"uri": "https://print.print.microsoft.com"
I suppose that's the address where IPP Infrastructure Printer is located and where I should be able to connect via IPP Proxy and fetch jobs for the printer.
But whatever I send, I get 200 response all the time:
Hello world! Version: 26226866
Azure Storage: AccountName=up1northeurope
I tried https, also ipps with 631 port. I tried with device_token also without. Tried with a correct IPP POST request but It looks like I'm reaching wrong endpoint.
Is there any documentation for this endpoint besides IPP-INFRA specification?

Hi, @FilipProchazka.


I'm not sure I understand what the scenario you're trying to build is. Haven you taken a look at the UP development documentation

Also, the article about Building a Universal Print connector may be useful to understand the flow.


Please let me know if the documentation is not helpful.

Hi, @Rani_Abdellatif

Sorry for my late answer. I was not able to find the correct path for IPP service endpoint print.print.microsoft.com/printers

I've tried print.print.microsoft.com/printer|print|ipp/printer|ipp/print so I missed the /printers path.

Now, it looks it works well.