Setting up a Pearson Partner Store Account

Brass Contributor

Hi everyone


I thought I'd like to give feedback here on the experience of setting up a Partner Store account with Pearson, cc @DanDonohue .


Despite successfully setting up the account early on June 20, 2023, when I tried to do my first transaction on July 11, I was met with an error that my Microsoft Partner Location ID was invalid. I am based in South Africa.


It took 7 days and 3 emails to get this resolved. I was unable to make any purchases during this time and this meant I had to halt and delay my training for a whole week.




Chintan Patel

5 Replies
Thanks for the feedback Chintan. Don't want to go into too much detail here but I was aware of your escalation. My understanding was that your membership lapsed and then was renewed, but that gap created the temporary blocker. Please reach out to me directly if you have any further concerns or have additional details.
I also had problems with the store:
First, when selecting the Action Pack option, the organization id wasn't recognised, this was solved by selecting Microsoft Cloud Partner Program.
Second, the location id (UK) was not recognized and this took about a week to be resolved.
I faced the same problem yesterday. A new Learning Partner's Partner ID and Location ID could not be found. Sent an email yesterday and I dread that this Learning Partner won't be able to start operating as a Learning Partner any time soon.
Thanks Julian. What you're describing (MCPP letting you through and the 1 week validation) is the expected behavior as that is a separate validation process for non-Training Services Partner (Learning Partner, LAPs) program participants.

However, my concern is that you expected to be able to sign up via the Action Pack option but were not able to. I'm going to DM you and get some details so I can investigate. Thanks for your support.
Wanted to close the loop on this for others. Chintan's issue was likely tied to a data disruption on Microsoft's side. We're working on a strategy to prevent this in the future.

For everyone: If you are a TSP (LAPs, former silver / gold) and believe you should be able to register for the Pearson Store and cannot, please escalate to Pearson by clicking on "Help" at the top of the store registration page, scroll to the bottom to access the "Contact" page and submit an escalation. Thanks.