Microsoft Title Plan - "4 digit" courses vs Applied Skills

Brass Contributor


Hello @Mindi -  

The title plan shows that 4 new courses will come out this week that have a "4 digit" logic e.g AZ-1005.

Since they are NOT Applied skills here my questions: 


a) Will they lead to a certification ? They do not start with "0" like AI-050T00-A so I assume yes ? Or did that logic change ?

b) How to position them against Applied Skills ? I know taht Applied Skills are looking at a certain topic in depth, but what will those 1 day courses then do differently ? 


Thank you for guidance 

2 Replies


@MindyAllison  I saw in the slides of the Community Call ( a shame that it had to be cancelled or I would have asked in the chat) that the plan is to include in the Title Plan at least if there is an EXAM or an APPLIED SKILLS Assessment - but it was not in Jan 16th version. Also, can you confirm if a 4 digit course is always an APPLIED SKILLS ?