Volunteer Engagement Portal exceeded power pages capacity

Brass Contributor

I just got a notice from Microsoft Power Platform that we've exceed our Microsoft power pages capacity. What do I need to prevent degraded performance? What will actually happen if I don't purchase additional capacity? This feels like something that should be covered in the nonprofit licensing. 

Full notice says: 

What happened?

  • All the available capacity for Power Pages in your tenant has been utilized.
  • Not having the required capacity available and assigned can result in degraded performance.
  • Learn more about Power Pages licensing.

How do I fix the issue?

Troubleshooting informationSee how Power Pages capacity is used across your environments.

7 Replies

Hello @gavinarblaster,

Thanks for your question!

I'm currently working to bring in the right subject matter expert to answer your question and will follow-up soon.

Thank you,



Since your question involves licensing, please submit a request on the Nonprofits - Contact us page. 


Type "licensing" in the How can we help? box and click the Get help button. Then, in the "Get more help" section, fill out all the fields to submit your request, and someone will look into your specific situation. 



@gavinarblaster - I'm interested in knowing what you found out. We've been using Power Pages for our foundation, in a production environment, using pay-as-you-go and applying our Azure grant. We're finding it prohibitively expensive for even a modest amount of traffic.  thanks! 

@StewC_bff - I have not found an answer yet... I submitted a ticket last month and only just met with someone from Dynamics customer service, but they didn't have a straight answer for me and needed to do additional research. 
This product is similarly looking cost prohibitive for us at $75/mo under the non-pay-as-you-go option for anonymous views and 100 sign in capacity (that could easily grow to thousands). It's baffling that they would design the portal to require sign in to register for engagements, which has very expensive tiers. Unfortunately, we've already invested so much time and resources customizing the product that I would hate to throw it away due to monthly capacity costs. 
Hopefully Microsoft can figure this out and cut us some slack, there's no way it's costing a fraction of what we're being charged to host these portals. 

Hey @gavinarblaster,


I'm sending you to a private message to get some additional details from you. Please check your messages. 



The Volunteer Management and Engagement solutions created by Tech for Social Impacts sits “on top of” Power Apps and Power Pages. While we do not charge for the industry IP layer, we are subject to Microsoft pricing constructs for Power Apps and Power Pages.
Tech for Social Impact offers 10 free seats of Power Apps to all nonprofits to help them get started; and we offer 75% discount off of the Power Pages fees. I see you are using the Azure Grant to leverage “pay as you go” pricing, but “pay as you go” does not have a nonprofit discount. I would encourage you to review the discounted pricing in the Nonprofit Portal to access much more reasonably priced options especially offered to nonprofits, and thus leverage your Azure Grant for something else. If you have evaluated those and consider those to still be out of reach, we will provide that feedback to our pricing/product team. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/nonprofits/offers-for-nonprofits
I encourage you to read the resources that the notice linked you to as they are very helpful in more fully understanding how Power Pages anonymous and authenticated users are charged.
Interesting thread, have not begun using Power Pages but is on the list to evaluate. Capacity/pricing was one concern; will make sure to do some due diligence...