



 Mar 04 2021
4 Comments (4 New)
Under Review

Please ditch this recently-introduced feature of thread pages. Justified text is much harder to read, and there's no need for it.

Steel Contributor

See here:


Steel Contributor


An example of how ugly justified text can be:




Community Manager

@Noel Burgess ,


Thanks for the feedback we will of course consider this, mean time if anyone else agrees they would like to see the justified comments removed and moved back to left justified then please upvote this Idea.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Changing status while we continue to assess user feedback on this. At the moment there isn't allot of support for it @Noel Burgess and really the issue of weird spacing you highlight is only present when users put long urls directly into a post, something we are encouraging users not to do for accessibility reasons. We will become even more proactive on this next year when the editor will start telling you if your content is not accessible and asking you change things before you can post your content.


Keeping it under review until End Jan 22