null null Members

null null Members



 Mar 24 2018
16 Comments (16 New)

As you see in the screenshot below, there are tons of members here who have the name (null null)!


null null.png


This name doesn't make sense at all!

What's the problem?


I can imagine that those members left the text blocks of the first name and last name blank when they registered in the community, so they got that name!
But should not the first and last name be compulsory?


If you allow some people to register in this community with an anonymous ID, it is best that their names are anonymous, not null null!


I prefer actual names, nickname also could work - but nothing at all is nonsense. "anonymous" is not a good idea, it will be same as "null null".

Community Manager

null null comes from users who do not have first name and last name completed in Microsoft account / AAD. Its provided by the SSO and so while I could change it the next time they login it would change back to null null.


Updating the first and last name in Microsoft account / AAD would be the preferred fix for this. I will of course keep it under review and see if there is anything else we can do to help stop null null.

Silver Contributor


Thanks for this clarification!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Not at this time.
Silver Contributor

I have decided that if someone does not want to share their name with the community then I don't want to chat with them. Providing a name is a fundamental responsibility of being a community member and since this is network is focused on professional business topics, the names should be accurate (generic names, such as SharePoint Admin), should be prohibited.

Copper Contributor

Hi Everybody,

This is in connection to post something by "null" 

- Yes ....... this is true that it does not make any sense to hide d name  but in my case - goes like this


Someone / intruder is using my system/ set as "hotspot" where d network name used by the intruder - 

Network user name- DESKTOP - R10IFE7 9778

network psw - +2eD0735


I have changed the u / n to null thinking it will disconnect the connection to Hotspot.

Else  I do not have any intention to hide my name.



Copper Contributor

Me too awarded with null null name, So I changed FirstName and LastName in techcommunity but still its same as null null. 

But this thread shows lots of users like me. This weird issue but still not yet fixed.  Until proper fix comes, we can do the below modification in personal information settings.


I think, Its good idea to make it read only field for FirstName, LastName and Give tips to update it in MircosoftAccount outlook or AzureAD.


Community Manager



Thanks for posting, unfortunately there is nothing we can do to 'fix' this - the name for the Tech Community is automatically populated by the first name and last name of the Microsoft Account or O365 AD account you use to sign in to the tech community.


The fix for this, I am afraid, is to make sure the first name and last name of these accounts have either been set in the My Account area of your Microsoft Account or that the admin for your O365 AD tenant has populated these details. 


Indeed for O365 AD accounts there is truly nothing we can do as we can not amend the data provided by your organization, We are looking for ways to prompt users at the point of registration / every time they login to go to the relevant dashboard and update their name but this is not currently available. 


Copper Contributor

Thank  you for the reply. I just updated my name in this URL But the changes is not reflected immediately. I thought this will sync after I signout and signin again. But still its not picked the name from MicrosoftAccount.


I hope this will be synced after some time.

Community Manager



Thanks for posting, it will update eventually. You can however force the issue by clicking this link:

Community Manager
Status changed to: Closed
Silver Contributor

This is hilarious, I used to think that some users are keeping null null as their name for the Microsoft Account :lol:

Copper Contributor

I've changed my name in my profile but still see Null Null in my name for Teams.  It's been over two weeks since I've updated this.  Any idea how to correct this across the entire 365 Account and Apps?  Account was created under GoDaddy so I changed it there.  

Gold Contributor




Microsoft account I believe syncs - the name that is registered there.

You can edit your name in your Microsoft account when you log in.

If you have done this and it is not working properly - only technical support can resolve this.


Copper Contributor
Helpful we have had same issue
Brass Contributor

Yeah, updated my record in Azure identity (or whatever it's called today), click on the link above and voila, I'm no longer nul nul!