Microsoft Graph team needs higher levels of participation (please) on Tech Community

Microsoft Graph team needs higher levels of participation (please) on Tech Community



 May 15 2018
2 Comments (2 New)

... as well as other communities and channels, such as Twitter and the Microsoft blogs. The Azure AD identity team and Skype for Business/Teams have both modeled some of the best methods to constantly engage their end-users and customers with what the product direction is, better education materials, and soliciting community feedback on what is needed.   We're really not getting that from this essential service Microsoft Graph, at least not in a wider cast net such as Tech Communities and MS blogs, twitter, etc. 

We would really love to see what you've got going, and share what your team is excited about - both released and upcoming!


Thanks in advance. 



Community Manager
Status changed to: Released



Thank you for the feedback, I am going to mark this as released since we have engaged more of the identity teams in the last few months and many of their blogs now reside on Tech Community.


Our team are always engaging with internal stakeholders to encourage community participation and we will include your feedback then next time we speak to the graph team. Please also be advised the Graph teams official blog is her: and they also have a uservoice (feedback mechanism) in the second article on that blog. 

Community Manager
Status changed to: Completed