Memes collection

Memes collection



 Jun 09 2021
6 Comments (6 New)

Hi everyone,


this is a pretty risky suggest and I hope I don't get too much hate. Even tho this is a Tech Community (Maybe Microsoft has other Community Forums and I don't know them), a microsoft meme pages, for commedy purposes would be kinda nice. :D


I don't know if anyone likes this, please don't hate me too much :')



Gold Contributor

Another surprise - Formulate an idea requires a deeper thought and a broader justification for what the benefits of this idea will be for the Microsoft Community!

Steel Contributor

I'm writing this idea to figure out if there is an interest in a memes collection about ms, windows etc memes where people can upload memes they've created. Nothing special. A "MTC reddit"


Just for entertaining purposes. Just for fun. Nothing special.


Before defining a idea perfect, I try to find out if there is a serious interest in the idea :)

Gold Contributor

I am also interested in further interest in this idea!

Not applicable

I don't see any interest in your idea - I don't need it either in this Technical Community, which provides all the writing tools you need!





Community Manager
Status changed to: Closed
Community Manager

Thank you for the feedback, this is outside the scope of the Microsoft Tech Community.