Add Microsoft Rewards to more regions (e.g Poland)

Add Microsoft Rewards to more regions (e.g Poland)



 Oct 29 2021
4 Comments (4 New)

Hi guys,

I think its time to add more regions to Microsoft Rewards. I live in Poland and i would love to use Microsoft Rewards but i can't. I think it would be a good idea to make that service available for more people.

Gold Contributor


Thank you for reaching MTC.

But the right place to make suggestions and reach out to the Microsoft engineering team is 

Feedback Hub app- Windows -> please provide your feedback there in the appropriate tab, according to the topic of the suggestion.



Gold Contributor

I think users all over the world are waiting for it!

At MTC there is a discussion about this in the Bing Community, of course there you can start a new discussion - I encourage you to start a discussion!

Microsoft Rewards - Microsoft Tech Community

Community Manager
Status changed to: Closed
Community Manager

Thanks for the idea! However, this space is only for ideas specifically for the Microsoft Tech Community website, not for Microsoft or other products. Sorry about that.