Accessibility Hub

Accessibility Hub



 Dec 21 2023
4 Comments (4 New)
Under Review

Is there an Accessibility Hub?  If there isn't I think there should be one.

Gold Contributor

@kathryndillonnewman  🙂

I like your idea to implement it in the MTC, it's best to submit it here so that you can vote for it, of course I'm asking for a broader justification:

Share your ideas and feedback for this community. (

Community Manager
Status changed to: New Idea
Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

@kathryndillonnewman Thank you for your contribution, as making the internet more accessible has become a much higher priority for companies, especially over recent years, this is also something I would support and is something we have been discussing internally. I currently have no update to share, but rest assured as soon as I do, you'll will the second to know (after me!).





Brass Contributor

Thank you, Allen