Since you last signed into the Tech Community


New email notification looks nice from graphical design point of view, but less useful on practice. If in old style notification I may see who, when and, most important, about supplied the post without shifting on reading pane, e.g.


now I see much less


Practically I see only that new post appeared somewhere within my subscriptions. Thus with every new email I have to check reading pane where the subject and the body of the post are less accented parts.


By the way, what on practice means "Since you last signed into..."? If I signed (but don't check posts) does that mean I won't receive notification on posts appeared when I was signed in?

34 Replies

@Allen , subject is back, thank you!


Old style was more informative, in addition in third line it was info who published the post. But even without that it's much better.

We will keep working on the mobile view... but hopefully this at least shows you guys we listen to your feedback :)



Sorry, I intentionally copy/pasted "new" subject when published the post

Hi It is good to listen - MTC Members because they are the ones form ya Community and notifications are very important and additional information regarding posts help in a quick assessment of whether we want to answer - or skip this step ! I think there should be a query with a link to the settings with the choice of e.g. old view or new! I support simple solutions! But visually the messages are very nice! Thank you


Unfortunately very nice graphic design not always means very good usability.

Hi Yes, but every project you have to test so it is normal! Your post will allow you to pay attention to the error - which i think can be fixed! after that we write your comments to help other users because we want to have good IT tools and enjoy when using them. I now translate from Polish and after editing the post automatic translation led that the post was again shared in Polish human error
Thank you! Allen Returned important information that allow you to assess quickly what the email is about! thank you again! Andrzej

Did this get reverted again?  I am once again getting nothing but "Since you last signed in" for Sharepoint blog/Exchange blog all of my blog subscriptions.

@Allen Just a fyi can you put it back again? It got reverted

+1 @Allen I'm also receiving all email with the same subject like @Susan Bradley 

We have not changed anything Susan, is it back to showing the "Since you last visited the Microsoft Tech Community..." subject?

The notification I got to say you had commented here was missing the dots (just like the thread subject)..

Correct.  It started at 9.a.m.


I'm set to get any posts to the Exchange blog, Windows Servicing, etc and begining around 9 am. (pacific) I am now getting the subject line of "since you last signed in...." same as before.  See sample images attached.


Hello. Now I checked and the messages come well .
Ok I will ask our development team to investigate, I am not seeing this myself so can't comment further at the moment
As of 11:13 am pacific the behavior reverted back to now I'm getting the subject line of the blog post not the "Since you" subject line. So something hiccupped between 9 am and 11ish.