Jan 29 2020 12:59 PM
I have read another article on RSS being too large and it was mentioned it was fixed. Maybe a side effect, but not sure. Right from the New Year (or maybe it was just before 2020) one day hundreds os old articles here appeared on my feed as "new". I have cleared them all, but almost every day one or two old articles appear again. As this only happens with this site, i can't blame Feedly. I've read you have another link for RSS (i think it is in that button at the top of the blog, with a word plugins in its URL instead of rss). Maybe this one doesn't have such issue. But i would hate to resub to so many blogs for nothing..
Feb 10 2020 09:34 AM
I have not heard about this issue myself. I know we did Migrate some older content into one of our blogs last month which would have shown up as new if you were subscribed to that blog but it wouldn't / shouldn't have been a duplicate of current content.
We are recommending users use the newer custom RSS feed from the button at the top of the blog.
Could I ask you the next time you see this to take some screenshots?
Then if you could send that to our team, I will take a look into it.
Feb 10 2020 12:44 PM
SolutionI have resubbed to all blogs using new links a week or so ago. No issues so far. Will report if it happens again. During that NY glitch it wasn't just one blog, it were old articles from every blog i subscribe.
Mar 01 2020 01:56 AM
Apr 02 2020 10:53 PM
Since April 1st old articles started popping up again (even when i'm using new RSS URL format). Already got like 5 old articles in my feed. Unless they all were edited for some reason (posts from September, October, December of 2019). The latest one https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/enterprise-mobility-security/microsoft-intune-rolls-out-an-im...
Feb 10 2020 12:44 PM
SolutionI have resubbed to all blogs using new links a week or so ago. No issues so far. Will report if it happens again. During that NY glitch it wasn't just one blog, it were old articles from every blog i subscribe.