Ignite 2018 Content - Slide decks are gone

Silver Contributor

What happened to all of the presentation from the 2018 Ignite conference? There were a lot of very good slide decks that we could use with our customers. 


Can they please be restored? 

6 Replies

Yeah I noticed this a while back and pinged Anna about it, don't remember getting a response. Let me try again :)

We're making room for Microsoft Ignite 2019 content. In order to ensure search directs people to the correct session codes (session codes are not unique year on year) we need to archive content. Our content teams wish to archive as well to ensure the Tech Community + MyIgnite remains to be the place to go for the latest content from our major events.

I can understand that, but as Dean mentioned there is some very good content from older years (I have some 2016 sessions bookmarked still!), and this is all now gone. Cant you simply arrange them by year or something similar, even dump them all in some "archive" space, so they don't steal the thunder of the current year's sessions, but are still available?

@Vasil Michev It is at the request of the Microsoft Ignite content team that we archive any older content to ensure that the 2019 content gets the most views and is picked up by search.

Right, guess I'll have to start saving the decks instead of linking to them...

@Anna Chu I remember reading that one of the reasons you moved from Yammer to this platform was to make content searchable on the web. Its hard to find something when it has been deleted.


Deleting useful and valuable content that is only one year old when there are an uncountable number of obsolete blog posts in this community does not make much sense. 


Channel 9 still has Ignite content from many years ago, https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite

I'm sure that there must be a way to keep last years presentations in this network. 


Please reconsider.