Avatar name and rank display issue

Silver Contributor

I have come across a slight issue when clicking on the avatar the display name, rank and image is not shown like below:

Microsoft Tech Community Avatar Display Issue.png


I have seen this on different devices with different browsers, for maybe a week or a bit longer but it doesn't happen all the time and I thought it was worth flagging.  Thanks! 

10 Replies

Have not seen it earlier @AnnaChu can you look at this?

Same issue here, with both Chrome and Edge
have the same issue as well.
Me too

I see that on "upper level" - dashboard, community space, profile. Within conversation or blog it is as it shall be (Vivaldi, Edge).

best response confirmed by Cian Allner (Silver Contributor)

It works now

Agreed, haven't seen this for a few days or more! Good job!
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Cian Allner (Silver Contributor)