URL for granting Teams Administrator Role to an Application?

Brass Contributor



I have an application that requires Teams Administrator Role to perform certain administrative tasks via the Teams Powershell Module.  I am able to build the correct URL to grant any Graph related roles ( doc -



But I'm still stuck using PIM to assign the Teams Administrator Role (because it is not a graph API role) to ensure I has the necessarily privileges to authenticate to the Teams Powershell Module. (😞




I have seen other apps give themselves the ability to RW RBAC and give themselves that role via Graph API.



I'm curious if anyone has a more elegant solution to enable the assignment of the Teams Administrator Role that wouldn't require my app to request RBAC permissions. 





4 Replies

@Carl_Karawani -Thanks for reporting your issue.
We will check this internally and let you know the update once we have any.


@Carl_Karawani - Are you tried to invoke the Teams PowerShell Module in app-only context?
If yes, then that is not supported.
Correct, we have an application that is using the Teams Powershell Module for actions that are not available (yet) in graph.
best response confirmed by Carl_Karawani (Brass Contributor)

@Carl_Karawani -Currently, this is not supported.

Could you please help by suggesting this feature on - Microsoft Teams · Community

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Carl_Karawani (Brass Contributor)

@Carl_Karawani -Currently, this is not supported.

Could you please help by suggesting this feature on - Microsoft Teams · Community

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