unable to download reports using graph sdk

Copper Contributor


  I'm trying to download the reports using 


return await graphClient.Reports.GetTeamsUserActivityCounts("D90")

  but when I invoke it I obtain this error message

JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: R. Path '', line 0, position 0.


This api does a redirect and send a cvs file, but looks like the sdk Is trying to parse it as a Json file. How can I do?


3 Replies

@luca_morelli , What query parameters you are passing in the request?

Can you try below piece of code to get userCount report


GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );

var report = await graphClient.Reports

@Trinetra-MSFT I used the same code with that result.


@luca_morelli ,   I tried the same in graph explorer, and was able to get the response correctly without any error. Could you please tell what query parameter you are passing in Request?