Teams Shifts Clock on/off reporting

Copper Contributor

HI there...

I am looking to develop the Teams/Shifts application into a method of managing hours attended at ad-hoc events.

The idea is to perhaps create a very large number of 24hrs shifts (23:59 in reality) and then allocate a group to those shifts. (or alternatively make up a new shift block on the fly via mobile device app, however there also isnt a Flow based method to create a shift, only view, approve etc)

The people themselves then use the clock on/clock off feature to actually work the shifts for however long as the work demands in blocks of time.

I would like to be able to

a) Report on the hours spent by each person clocked on at the event

b) Manage the time they are working to avoid fatigue.

The latter one to some extent is more important as I would like to be able to run a flow that checks who is clocked on, when did they clock on, and set an alarm that they have hit say 8 hours. Secondarily it will allow for checking that someone hasnt gone home and forgotten to clock off.


There doesnt seem to be anything that I can extract from the shifts data in Flow that will get me that clock on time etc.


Any ideas where it might be found, or when it might be made available. The data appears there as you can export from the shifts app screen directly.



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