Teams Preview - Breakout Rooms

Copper Contributor



I have setup my teams admin to allow developer mode. I have then activated it on my own teams desktop app.


When I go in to a private meeting as a host I am unable to see the icon for creating breakout rooms. I seen loads of articles on how to set it up but mine will not work.


I am on version

6 Replies
How were you able to set your admin to allow developer mode? I would love to do that so I can learn the updates that are coming out.

@PKeller80do you have access to the TEams Admin centre?

@JBrines Yes I do.  I am a super duper user!!  LOL

@JBrines  could you please reach out to the Product support channels for Microsoft Teams.



Go to Team Apps, the Setup policy, then Global policy, then make sure Upload Custom Apps is set to on.


Save changes and wait about 1 - 2 hours maybe longer. You will hae to also logout and login to your Teams dektop app for it to take affect.

@Nikitha-MSFT  Reported, I will let you know how I get on.