Teams Graph API and ring count

Copper Contributor

Hello all,


For the past year, we have been able to estimate the number of rings before a call is answered in Teams call center by analyzing data from the Teams Graph API. A call connects to the main line, they choose an option, and then they are connected to the next session. In the data there was an initial connection that was captured and then the timestamps of the call sessions allowed us to generate a timeline of a call including number of rings. After a Teams update in late May 2021, however, these data are no longer generated. 


We've looked at the raw JSON code for several calls and have done tests, but we are unable to find any other method to calculate wait time for our customers. Is anyone aware of any other method for measuring number of rings before a call is answered from the Graph API? Or are you aware of another resource I can reach out to or feature request submission forum?

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