Oct 15 2020 08:25 PM
We are using Pexip as CVI for MS Teams. For any teams meeting we notice a VTC conference id which are a bunch of numbers like 129506247, we are not able to correlate this number with teams meeting id which is usually in form of "19:meeting_YzA5ZmJlNzAtOTU1OC00Zjc2LTgyYjgtZGZjZTdiZGMzMDRh@thread.v2", which when base64 decoded yields a guid.
We want to automate adhoc joining to existing meeting via pexip cvi, and wanted to see if somehow we can get the pexip id from meetings id. Any help will be appreciated!
Oct 21 2020 04:34 AM
@Kuldeep Desai : We have forwarded your query to concerned team and they are investigating this internally.
Oct 27 2020 09:56 PM
@Kuldeep Desai We'll have a GetMeeting API with join URL as input, after that we should be able to get the CVI numeric ID. It's planned for Q4 in Beta, might be in v1 in Q1