Teams 3rd party app: Deeplinks to app not working correctly, only on Android mobile Teams

Copper Contributor

Hello, since last week we have gotten some reports that deeplinks into our tab application are not working ONLY on Android Teams client. (They were working previously, this seems to be a regression in the last 2 weeks or so).


We have been using the same code to generate deeplinks (found here ), and since they seem to continue to work correctly on Teams Desktop, web, and iOS clients, its doesnt seem like we are generating them incorrectly. Here is a sample deeplink<our app ID>/<entity ID from config tab when installing app>?co...

^ This URI is encoded in the link, here it is passed through decodeURI:<our app ID>/<entity ID from config tab when installing app>?context={"subEntityId": "<link to internal object>", "channelId": "<channel ID where the user last loaded the app>"}

In particular, the buggy behavior is that clicking the deeplinks from Android, both from notification bot messages AND deeplinks sent to email takes the user to the bot chat with the app, instead of the of the tab application inside the provided channel id. Again, we are confident these links used to work correctly, and continue to work correctly on all other clients except Android mobile client.

11 Replies

@alexkovalev - Could you please update your Teams app in Android and check if it helps. Please do share the Teams app version if you still face the issue. Thanks!

Yep still having the issue. My Android Teams app version is 1416
We are also able to repro this issue, we are raising a bug for the same. We will keep you posted on the updates.
Engineering team is unable to reproduce the issue. Can you please confirm if you still have this issue?

@alexkovalev - Engineering team is unable to reproduce the issue. Can you please confirm if you still have this issue?

Microsoft Verified Best Answer
Hi, I might be under a different login email atm but same user, you can close this off for now

@AlexK480 - Thanks for the confirmation. We are closing this instance.


Prasad Das


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@Prasad_Das-MSFT unfortunately this is still an issue for some, possibly all Android users. We received this as a "Must-fix" bug from Microsoft support when trying to update our App manifest, which is blocking updates to our app now.

The Android Teams App version I am able to reproduce this on is 1416/

@alexkovalev - We have tested this at our end, and it is working fine in Android as well. We have added an app which has both bot and tab and created deeplink to the channel tab. On clicking the deeplink it is taking to the tab properly. We are sharing the deployed manifest, please add it to any channel and just replace the channel id in below deeplink and check if it is working.{"subEntityId":"bot1","channelId":"19:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@thread.tacv2"} 


Did you get a chance to look at above comment?

@Meghana-MSFT Missed this comment earlier, but we have not had a chance to test it out. Will try to get to it by next week