Tab with my Custom Portal Dynamics 365

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone, 


I have custom portal Dynamics 365 Portal (

I would like add to tab my App in Developer Portal. How can i do that?  My Portal with AAD. 




5 Replies
Thanks for raising your query.
We will look into it and let you know the updates.

You can create app in developer portal and add static tab in app manifest.
In static tab section add your custom portal link in contentURL and in websiteURL.
Also add domain of URL in validDomains section of manifest.


"entityId": "personalTab",
"name": "Personal Tab ",
"contentUrl": "https://{{PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}}/<yourDefaultTabNameTab>/personal.html",
"websiteUrl": "https://{{PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}}",
"scopes": ["personal"]

Please refer below sample:

Please refer below manifest:

For creating app via developer portal, please refer below document:

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awesome! Thanks a lot !
My, Teams app will have 3 Tabs. 1 - Chat 2 - custom portal 3 - custom portal. I am searching solutions and documentation ( maybe from Repo Git ) how to implementation logging Azure Active Directory ( pop - up login, access etc. ) Any suggestion ? 🙂

Hi everyone,

anyone solutions ? 🙂
