Private Chats APIs

Brass Contributor

As a developer, from a custom application, can I create a Private Chat Group and post messages to the same?  Are there any APIs to achieve this functionality?


Please note that my requirement is related to Private Chats and not Private Channels


Sample Business Use Case: the "Initiate Private Chat" button should create a private chat between selected participants and give the private group name "CEO Hiring" and post the initial message "Whats the status of......."





3 Replies

@Kamlesh Rao 

You can initiate/create chat using API by following this link.

Thanks Prasad. We too found this option. But we stopped with this approach as there are good amount of limitations with Microsoft Teams, that prevents for an Enterprise to adopt.

@Kamlesh Rao - Apart from this there doesn't seem to be any way to do so.