MS Team Bot Recording

Copper Contributor

Hi Team,

I am trying to record all MS Team call through bot. 

So, I am following this documents to achieve this..
bot created and deployed successfully on Azur server.
but problem in "Create an Application Instance " and "Create a Compliance Recording Policy"

because, Some command is not working properly and throwing errors.
can anyone please suggest any documents or article which help us.

Thank You in advance

2 Replies

@sudhir_ku20 - 
Thanks for bringing this out - We have pushed the bot in master branch - Policy Recording bot. We will update the, the package is outdated. Please follow this document for creating and assigning policy to user - Teams policy-based recording


Hunaid Hanfee


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@HunaidHanfee-MSFT Hi, I am having an error with MediaPlatform when trying to run the Recording bot locally using ngrok. I get this error: MediaPlatform needs a system with at least 2 cores for creation.

In the service definition file though I have set vmsize="Standard_D4_v3" for the Worker. Any idea why this might happen? A desparate search led me to this question.