Microsoft Teams Stage View fails to load Dynamics 365

Copper Contributor

I am trying to invoke a stage view through deeplink to view a Dynamics 365 Account record from my Personal Teams app on click of a button. I followed the documentation - Since this to work I have to pass the contentURL, I added a Dynamics 365 Tab to one my Channels in Microsoft Team, this gives a contentURL using the Graph API - InstalledApps in a Channel When I add the contentURL and the my Personal Teams appId to te deeplink URL, I get the following error. ExtensionTabService: getAuthTokenForApp: Failed with error - App resource defined in manifest and iframe origin do not match

LoginHandler: login failed. Reason: App resource defined in manifest and iframe origin do not match

Bootstrapper: boot failed. Reason: App resource defined in manifest and iframe origin do not match

My main objective is to invoke a Stage View to show a Dynamics 365 Account or any entity record using deeplink

15 Replies
@maheshkumaryu - We are investigating your query. We will update you soon.

@maheshkumaryu - 

Please verify the contents of webApplicationInfo section:

"webApplicationInfo": {
    "id": "{AAD App client id}",
    "resource": "api://{Your tab app domain}/{AAD App client id}"

 Please make sure the domain in webApplicationInfo is same as your tab app's domain, otherwise Teams will return error.

I have a manifest where I have set the resource as "api://localhost:8080/{AAD App client id}" and I run my personal app at https://localhost:8080.
When I set the contentURL as https://localhost:8080 itself to the Stage View, the Teams opens the Stage View and renders my app running in the localhost properly with all authentication and all.
However, I am unable to render a Dynamics 365 record in the Stage View, I think I am getting the contentURL wrong that I need to pass to get Dynamics 365.
Also, when I pass the Dynamics 365 url of a particular entity record to the Stage View, I am getting a pop up saying : "{Personal app name} is unable to show this view
Contact your IT admin if the problem persists."

@maheshkumaryu - We will check what could be causing this and get back to you.

@Meghana-MSFT - Do you have any update on this?
Also, cam you share a sample contentURL that we need to pass to stage view?
We are checking this issue and below is a sample deeplink to stage view which opens a Tab.

I am getting the same error which I used to get when I pass Dynamics 365 url
I am getting a pop up saying : "{Personal app name} is unable to show this view
Contact your IT admin if the problem persists."
Is there any need to add more permission based on the content url
@Meghana-MSFT , has there been any update on the above? Or it is even possible?
I think it should be as we can add a Dynamics tab to a Teams channel
Please let me know about this
@Meghana-MSFT , Do you have any update on the same?
@Nivedipa-MSFT, do you have any update on the same?
Is it even possible?

@maheshkumaryu  - Apologies for the delay. We are checking with the engineering team on its possibility. We will let you know.

Could you please confirm if you have valid domain entry in manifest. If you are trying to render any other urls apart from localhost, you will have to make an entry in valid domain sections as well.
Thanks for the response - @Meghana-MSFT,
Since I am trying to render dynamics that is url -, I have added this "*" in the valid domain section in the app manifest

@maheshkumaryu - Engineering team has mentioned as below - 


What you are trying to do is not supported. you must own and have control of the domains you load in Teams App; the only exception to that rule are cases where a developer uses one of our publicly supported frameworks for building Teams Apps - e.g. SPFx or PowerApps.
Alternatively, you could try to open the stage using the Dynamics 365 app ID instead. If you cannot use the Dynamics 365 app to load the content, then the only other option is to take the user to the browser.