Mentioning of a user is split in first and lastname

Brass Contributor

I just discovered that from somewhere in December I do not get a mentioned user in a message as one mention any longer but splitted into two mentions with first and lastname. Is this a bug or is it by intention? 


This is how the JSON message to the bot for the message:  
@bot @Sarah Johnson mentioning 

looked like until December:

    "text": "<at>bot</at> <at>Sara Johnson</at> mentioning",
    "textFormat": "plain",
    "recipient": {
        "id": "...",
        "name": "bot"
    "entities": [
            "mentioned": {
                "id": "xxx",
                "name": "bot"
            "text": "<at>bot</at>",
            "type": "mention"
            "mentioned": {
                "id": "123",
                "name": "Sarah Johnson"
            "text": "<at>Sarah Johnson</at>",
            "type": "mention"

 And this is how it looks today. 

    "text": "<at>bot</at> <at>Sara</at> <at>Johnson</at> mentioning",
    "textFormat": "plain",
    "recipient": {
        "id": "...",
        "name": "bot"
    "entities": [
            "mentioned": {
                "id": "xxx",
                "name": "bot"
            "text": "<at>bot</at>",
            "type": "mention"
            "mentioned": {
                "id": "123",
                "name": "Sarah"
            "text": "<at>Sarah</at>",
            "type": "mention"
            "mentioned": {
                "id": "123",
                "name": "Johnson"
            "text": "<at>Johnson</at>",
            "type": "mention"


The mentioning is split in first and lastname with the same userid. Is that the intended behaviour?  


3 Replies

Hello @jocsch - Could you please let us know whether you are facing this issue in Classic teams or new Teams and any specific Teams client like Desktop/Web/Mobile ?

@ChetanSharma-msft I tried this in the web on old and new UI and on the desktop with the new UI. All show the described behaviour.

@jocsch - We are able to repro this issue. we have raised a bug for the same. We will keep you posted on the updates. Thank you.