Sep 03 2019 06:56 AM
I am trying to use the HelloWorld Web app (HW) from TEAMS application, but 'Unable to reach app' message appears.
I have my HW compiled (Microsoft.Teams.Samples.HelloWorld in Visual Studio 2017) running locally (browser opens in http://localhost:3333/)
And with ngrok I can access remotelly (
ngrok http 3333 -host-header=localhost:3333
This HW client generates a .zip with 2 .png files and the manifest.json file
Then in my TEAMS app (left panel) I go to Apps-'Upload a custom app', browse and get that .zip. My HW is visible for my user
In 'Teams' tab, I select a Team (MyTeam) and in 'Manage Team'-Apps, I install HW app ('More apps' button), but do nothing with 'Bot'/'Tab' and 'Messaging' options (all of them have a 'Set up' button that seems to do nothing)
After that, in MyTeam I can see the HW app when I write @hello, and my commands from composeExtensions (manifest) are available
But when I enter a text, 'Unable to reach app' is displayed
I supponse my problem is in the manifest file, but I don't know where... Anything related with an ID?
In my Visual project, 'Assembly Info' I have a GUID value: "f543a88..."
I have used this value in the manifest, for 'id', and for 'botId' in 'bots' and 'composeExtensions'
Besides, I used '' in the urls
The rest of the values in the manifest file are the ones by default
Here is my manifest text:
"$schema": "",
"manifestVersion": "1.3",
"version": "1.0.0",
"id": "f543a885-72b3-49b1-93c5-b932bf356d78",
"packageName": "com.contoso.helloworld",
"developer": {
"name": "Contoso2",
"websiteUrl": "",
"privacyUrl": "",
"termsOfUseUrl": ""
"name": {
"short": "Hello World",
"full": "Hello World App"
"description": {
"short": "Hello World App for Microsoft Teams",
"full": "This sample app provides a very simple app. You can extend this to add more content and capabilities."
"icons": {
"outline": "contoso20x20.png",
"color": "contoso96x96.png"
"accentColor": "#60A18E",
"staticTabs": [
"entityId": "com.contoso.helloworld.hellotab",
"name": "Hello Tab",
"contentUrl": "",
"scopes": [
"configurableTabs": [
"configurationUrl": "",
"canUpdateConfiguration": true,
"scopes": [
"bots": [
"botId": "f543a885-72b3-49b1-93c5-b932bf356d78",
"needsChannelSelector": false,
"isNotificationOnly": false,
"scopes": [
"composeExtensions": [
"botId": "f543a885-72b3-49b1-93c5-b932bf356d78",
"commands": [
"id": "getRandomText",
"description": "Gets some random text and images that you can insert in messages for fun.",
"title": "Get some random text for funnn",
"initialRun": true,
"parameters": [
"name": "cardTitle",
"description": "Card title to use",
"title": "Card title"
"id": "getRandomText 2",
"description": "Gets some random text and images that you can insert in messages for fun 2.",
"title": "Get some random text for fun 2",
"initialRun": true,
"parameters": [
"name": "cardTitle 2",
"description": "Card title to use 2",
"title": "Card title 2"
"permissions": [],
"validDomains": []
Any help?
Sep 03 2019 02:14 PM
@diegoSpace we don't use TechCommunity for developer questions very much (please use Stack Overflow with the tag "microsoft-teams" but since I happened to see this...
Your messaging endpoint for your bot registration (either on or on Azure) should be (no trailing slash). Is it?
Sep 04 2019 12:10 AM
@Bill Bliss Thanks for your response. I put the message in Stack Overflow, where I added 2 additional doubts... But since you read it here... I can not find where I must add '' as 'messaging endpoint', is it not in the manifest then?
Once I had my zip I added to TEAMS application, but i did nothing in Azure. I suppose just with that TEAMS will not be able to find my application, it does not know the 'messaging endpoint' to connect to, correct? How can I do that?
Would you prefer my response in Stack Overflow?
I really thank you,
Sep 04 2019 10:41 PM
@diegoSpace Please see my answer on the StackOverflow question. Let's use that post for further discussions.
Sep 05 2019 12:27 AM
@Gousia_Begum Ok, thanks a lot