Graph API to create Tab in MS Teams with custom SPFx WebPart

Copper Contributor

Hello Experts,


I have created SPFx WebPart and deployed it in SharePoint. I have enabled "Team" scope and this works fine along with team context when I add it in MS Teams manually.

Now, I am trying to create Tab programmatically using Graph API endpoints as below,





"displayName": "Opportunity Summary",
"teamsApp@odata.bind" : "'8f4b04a6-a79e-4677-b81c-dff4e34d9989')",
"configuration": {"entityId": "d500-452a-885d-b091d9151dbe",
"contentUrl": "",
"websiteUrl": null,
"removeUrl": null


The tab is getting created successfully but unable to load WebPart in the tab. Below is a response when I hit this API call,


"id": "181f19b8-87f2-484e-be2f-59bc896a45f1",
"displayName": "Opportunity Summary",
"configuration": {
"entityId": "d500-452a-885d-b091d9151dbe",
"removeUrl": null,
"websiteUrl": null
I search a lot to define configuration entity in the body for custom deployed SPFx Teams App but did not find any solution.
Further analysis, I tried to find out manually deployed app configuration entity but seems that list guid, id and webinstanceId is generating dynamically as below,


"id": "a75956d0-131c-44e3-a484-f59dd2b6ea7e",

"displayName": "SPFx Summary WebPart",

"webUrl": "",

"configuration": {

"entityId": "sharepointtab_45b23925-551a-4d81-a0b9-9d46297098c1",

"contentUrl": "",

"removeUrl": "",

"websiteUrl": null,

"dateAdded": "2019-11-04T07:08:09.086Z"




Please guide me to defined configuration parameters in the body of Create Tab Graph API endpoints for deployed custom SPFx Teams App.



Uday G


3 Replies

@UdayG , Thanks for reporting this issue, We are looking into it.

Any update on this matter? Having the same issue.

Not really a great solution, but we have found that if you do not pass in a configuration but only provide the displayName and binding property in the JSON body, the tab is created with a "Set up" button that the user then needs to click to finish provisioning the tab: 


  "displayName": "My Custom Tab", 
  "teamsApp@odata.bind" : "<a href="<a href="" target="_blank"></a>" target="_blank"><a href="</a" target="_blank"></a</a>>"


Then, this is shown in the tab:


Clicking "Set up tab" gives this prompt: 



We also found that trying to add a tab to a team created with a Graph API call with a token with App Permissions would cause this to fail (show a broken icon rather than the Team icon) because the "General" folder was not created in the Team (until a user clicks the "Files" tab).  Creating the team with an access token with "Delegated Permissions" worked because the channel folder was set up properly (see


We are also still looking for a way to setup the tab for the user in advance, but at least this gets it to work.

