Graph api - MS Teams Meeting Recording link

Iron Contributor

Hi Team,


We are setting up meetings within O365 Group and trying to get the meetings information of given Group ID using the below graph api{guid}/events?$orderby=createdDateTime


What we are now interested is, Can we get the MS Teams meeting recording link along with the event details? Do we have support from Graph api to get the Teams meeting recording details.


Thanks & Regards,


5 Replies

Hi @bhanu chintha,

Thanks for reaching us!

We are investigating on this, will respond to you soon.


Hi @bhanu chintha , Currently MS Teams meeting recording link cannot be fetched with the event details. We have a backlog on this. You can access recorded meetings from Microsoft Stream and can try call records Api to fetch details of a recorded call by specifying call ID.

The Teams meeting Record link is now available in the Graph Beta API under Chat messages - callRecordingUrl. Maybe that can help.

-> evenMessageDetail
-> callRecordingEventMessageDetail
-> callRecordingUrl

Hi, wondering where can I find this for channel recordings? The eventMessageDetail is null for channel recordings