Graph API: create a PSTN call and invite a PSTN participant

Brass Contributor

Hello everybody,


We are using the MS Graph API within a C# project.

After successful creating a PSTN call from our bot like described here we run into the next problem:

We want to invite another PSTN participant to this existing call like described here:
But we receive following event:

"value": [
"changeType": "Deleted",
"resourceUrl": "/communications/calls/981f6100-cb65-42d9-af3c-1390c68cac8b/operations/5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19",
"resource": "/app/calls/981f6100-cb65-42d9-af3c-1390c68cac8b/operations/5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19",
"resourceData": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.inviteParticipantsOperation",
"participants": [
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.invitationParticipantInfo",
"identity": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet",
"phone": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity",
"id": "+49175********"
"status": "failed",
"resultInfo": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo",
"code": 403,
"subcode": 9999,
"message": "addParticipants failed for participant 4:+49175******. Underlying reason: Call does not contain the metadata required for making this PSTN dial out.. DiagCode: 403#10151"
"id": "5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19"
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotification"
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotifications"


Any idea why we can not invite another PSTN participant to an existing call from the bot to a PSTN number?







39 Replies
Hi, I have been using the peer-to-peer API call, and I have the bot making the call for a Team User and a PSTN number, and the call goes through for the Team user, but not for the PSTN number? Would you be able to know which example you were using in the documentation page?
Thank you.

This is my code for the MakeCall:

var call = new Call
CallbackUri = Config.CurrentValue.CallBackUrl + ConfigurationConstants.CallbackSuffixCallEvents,
TenantId = Config.CurrentValue.ApplicationClient.TenantId,

Source = new ParticipantInfo
Identity = new IdentitySet
// 05.11.2021 GW Handle PSTN calls
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"applicationInstance", new Identity()
DisplayName = Config.CurrentValue.ApplicationClient.DisplayName,
Id = Config.CurrentValue.ApplicationClient.BotUserObjectId

Region = null,
LanguageId = null

Targets = new List<InvitationParticipantInfo>() { device },
RequestedModalities = new List<Modality> { Modality.Audio },
MediaConfig = new ServiceHostedMediaConfig { },
Direction = CallDirection.Outgoing,

var result = await graphAppClient.Communications.Calls

Ok, thank you. Hopefully this helps. Thanks for your time.

Previously, we were able to invite a PSTN number into the conversation if it was the first escalation. Meaning:
1. Bot called teams user
2. Teams user accepted (p-p call)
3. Inviteparticipant to PSTN.
4. Now a groupcall with bot, teamsuser and PSTN user.

As of last week this started to fail randomly (for some users) and now it just is not working anymore at all. The invite is accepted, but it fails, returning 'addParticipants failed for participant 4:...' with 'DiagCode: 500#10339.@'.

Does anyone know why this changed / what the errorcode means (the 10339 part)?

@Frank_Roger365 - We are checking it internally and let you know once we get any updates.

@Sayali-MSFT We are also facing same exact issue. It was working fine until last week. Suddenly it stopped working for few users and now for everyone. Can u please check and revert as its top priority for us. Our whole production system is affected by the same. 

We are also having same error in invite participant -

"resultInfo": {
                "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo",
                "code": 500,
                "subcode": 10339,
                "message": "addParticipants failed for participant 4:+491234568889. Underlying reason: Server Internal Error. DiagCode: 500#10339.@"
            "id": "c1fd6eab-5b09-4a9c-ba8d-b718c044526d"

@Sayali-MSFT our call center solution is also impacted by this, please provide a fix as soon as possible. Thanks!

We do have the exact same issue - no outbound calls possible via BOT and Inviteparticipant. It started last week with some calls and since yesterday every call is not working.
@bsingh1700 , @dhaerle-mirage - We are informing the engineering team, we will let you know the once we get any update.

@Sayali-MSFT Thanks. Please raise the priority as business is impacting directly due to this sudden issue.

@bsingh1700 - If you have any business-critical issue which need immediate attention, please raise a support request here:
FYI, this will (is being) fixed. TM521711
Can u please give us the link where there are updates regarding the u mention TM521711
Its visible in your admin center (for us at least) since the links point to your own tenant. However, we think the fix is already deployed here and there, as we notice some of the calls succeeding again.
For us still not a single outbound call is working. Hope they will apply the fix for all tenants ASAP.

@Frank_Roger365 I also do not see any tickets in my admin center. Did they asked for tenant id from you or it was resolved automatically

@Sayali-MSFT Any update on the issue if its being fixed now. Also created service request and support ticket for MS. Please let me know for any update

I can make a bot to PSTN call and bot to teas users
I am trying to make a group call bot, teams user and PSTN. Please assist
I am developing an application using Graph API to call a PSTN number - call state changes to establishing , But not receiving call on the landline number. Also call satus is not changed to established . can someone help?