Forward adaptive card

Brass Contributor

I am trying to forward an adaptive card from one chat to another in MS teams app. I was looking for the power automate javascript SDK to integrate in my JS code, the available resources in the website is not very useful. Is there any other place where I can refer and accomplish this?
Link I referred

2 Replies

@ray2408 - Thanks for reporting your issue. We will check this and update you soon.

Hello ray2408 - 
There isn't any way to forward an adaptive card from one chat to another.
However, you can send adaptive card in chat or channel using bot.
Adaptive Cards for Bot Developers - Adaptive Cards | Microsoft Learn
Sample ref: Microsoft-Teams-Samples/samples/bot-adaptive-card-actions at main · OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Sample...
as well as via Power Automate as mentioned in earlier conversations.
Create flows that post adaptive cards to Microsoft Teams - Power Automate | Microsoft Learn