Failed to execute MsGraph backend request GetGroupFromIdS2SRequest.

Brass Contributor



Our CSOM code throwing below exception when we trying to create MS Teams through C# based console application.


Stack trace - 

System.ApplicationException: Exception while invoking endpoint<guid>/team. ---> System.Web.HttpException: {"error":{"code":"NotFound","message":"Failed to execute MsGraph backend request GetGroupFromIdS2SRequest. Workload MsGraph_DirectoryServices. Request Url:<guid>?$select=id,objectId,assignedLabels,creationOptions,cla..., Request Method: GET, Response Status Code: NotFound, Response Headers: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000\r\nrequest-id: <guid>\r\nclient-request-id: <guid>\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 06:31:17 GMT\r\n, Reason Phrase: Not Found","innerError":{"date":"2021-04-29T06:31:17","request-id":"<guid>","client-request-id":"<guid>"}}}


This code throw an exception-

UnifiedGroupEntity unifiedGroupEntity = UnifiedGroupsUtility.CreateUnifiedGroup(unifiedGroupInformation.DisplayName, unifiedGroupInformation.Description,
unifiedGroupInformation.MailNickname, accessToken, unifiedGroupInformation.Owners,
null, true, true, 10, 500);


We didn't get the exact idea, why it is failing because some times it works as well.


Please suggest your input.


BR. Sid

2 Replies
I have the same issue. Please help us.
I have the same issue. Please help us.