Dec 04 2020 04:49 AM
I am using ngrok for exposing localhost URL to HTTPS. Error message is: Invalid value(s) specified for validDomains[0]: ""
Url should start with "https://"
I have tried everything I found online, but none of the solutions seems to work, and I still can't install my app in Microsoft Teams.
Thanks in advance!
Dec 29 2020 01:42 PM
@Rick Van Rousselt may be able to answer this one. I have seen many sessions of him using ngrok and he is one of the most experienced devs of Teams I know
Best, Chris
Jan 06 2021 06:22 AM
Inside your manifest you should not specify HTTP or HTTPS for the valid domains section.
If you look here you see an example.
So in your case should be enough.
I see you are developing here, what I usually do during development is set it to * This makes it easier the next time you fire up ngrok and get another URL.
Let me know if you have any other issues?
@Christopher Hoard Took a while before I figured out the notification email got into my spam folder 🙂