Custom Teams App Is not reloading when navigate back to app

Steel Contributor

I am working in Custom Teams App with React where I do have some requirement to show the data using Graph API.


Everything is working fine in Desktop and Web Version of the team but In Mobile version following scenario is not working


  1. Open Custom App in Mobile MS Teams App -> Everything is working
  2. Switch to other default App like "Chat", "Calendar", "Teams", etc
  3. Navigate back to my app -> Now here it's showing old content, it's not reloading my page itself. I need to refresh app manually by clicking on three dot and refresh button.

Is there anyway to forcefully refresh my custom app when navigate/switch back to my custom app in Mobile device


Below is the some code snippet for my App Component 



async componentDidMount() {;
    let context = await;
    // My Business Logic to Get Data 
    // Updating State    

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
      <div className="App" >



Can someone help me here what I am missing here? Let me know if you need any other details for my issue


5 Replies
@kalpeshvaghela - We are investigating your query. We will update you soon.



Do you have any update on this issue?

@kalpeshvaghela - We have tried this scenario. We are also facing the same issue. We are checking this with engineering team, we will update you soon.



Did you get any update from engineering team?

@kalpeshvaghela - Apologies for the delay response.

This is the defined behaviour.
We don't have an API currently for such a scenario.

Could you please help by suggesting this feature on - Microsoft Teams · Community