Create powershelle for MenuOptions

Iron Contributor

Do you have a powershell script to create in AutoAttendant in CallFlow

a greeting message and 3 menu options

- 2 with a number

- 1 with redirection to CQ



4 Replies

@JFM_12 - Thanks for reporting your issue. 

Use the New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow cmdlet to create a new call flow.

   -Name <String>
   -Menu <Object>
   [-Greetings <List>]
   [-Tenant <Guid>]

Ref Doc: New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow (MicrosoftTeamsPowerShell) | Microsoft Learn




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Hope you are having a great day. Thank you very much.

I tried to do the script, but keep getting errors


$menuOptions = @(
$autoAttendant = Get-CsAutoAttendant -Identity "xxxx"
#$openHoursGreetingPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt " Thank you for calling Contoso."
$openHoursMenuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "For Sales press 1. For Support press 2. If you know the name of the person you would like to reach, press 3. For our address, email and fax information, press 4. For all other inquiries press 0 to speak with the operator."
$openHoursMenuOption1Target = "tel:+1234567"
$openHoursMenuOption1Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $openHoursMenuOption1Target -Type ExternalPstn
$openHoursMenuOption1 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone1 -CallTarget $openHoursMenuOption1Entity
$languageId = "de-DE"

$autoAttendant = $menuOptions
Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $autoAttendant 



But do get following error


cmdlet Set-CsAutoAttendant at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Identity: 220caebb-8cf8-49c3-acbf-d82a366a41c4
Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.internal\Set-CsAutoAttendant : The specified language ID is invalid. Please give correct parameter value.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MicrosoftTeams\5.5.0\custom\Merged_custom_PsExt.ps1:8476 char:13
+ $internalOutput = Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.inter ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ Identity = 22...AutoAttendant }:<>f__AnonymousType77`2) [Set-CsAutoAttendant_SetExpanded], UndeclaredResponseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadRequest,Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Cmdlets.SetCsAutoAttendant_SetExpanded


Trying an alternativ gives me another error


$autoAttendant = Get-CsAutoAttendant -Identity "xxx"
$openHoursMenuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "For Sales press 1. For Support press 2. If you know the name of the person you would like to reach, press 3. For our address, email and fax information, press 4. For all other inquiries press 0 to speak with the operator."
$openHoursMenuOption1Target = "tel:+1234567"
$openHoursMenuOption1Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity "tel:+41794002069" -Type ExternalPSTN
$openHoursMenuOption1 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone1 -CallTarget $openHoursMenuOption1Entity
$languageId = "de-DE"
$autoAttendant.CallFlows += @($openHoursMenuOption1)
Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $autoAttendant


Exception setting "CallFlows": "Cannot convert the "Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Hosted.OAA.Models.MenuOption" value of type "Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Hosted.OAA.Models.MenuOption" to type "Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Hosted.OAA.Models.CallFlow"."



best response confirmed by JFM_12 (Iron Contributor)

I managed to create a script but it keeps asking for a greeting and also the country code is not accepted although it works.


$attendantName = "x"
$autoAttendant = Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter $attendantName | Where-Object Name -eq $attendantName
$callableEntity1 = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity "tel:+4112345" -Type ExternalPSTN
$menuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone1 -CallTarget $callableEntity1
$menuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "To reach our sales department, please press 1, or say operator to be redirected to our company switchboard"
$menu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "Default Menu" -MenuOptions @($menuOption) -Prompts @($menuPrompt)
$greeting = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -ActiveType None -TextToSpeechPrompt 
$callFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "Default Call Flow" -Menu $menu -Greetings $greeting
$autoAttendant.DefaultCallFlow = $callFlow
Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $autoAttendant



I was able to resolve the problems.



@JFM_12 - Glad to hear that your issue has resolved. Could you please share your valuable feedback via Microsoft Teams Developer Community Response Feedback link?

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by JFM_12 (Iron Contributor)

I managed to create a script but it keeps asking for a greeting and also the country code is not accepted although it works.


$attendantName = "x"
$autoAttendant = Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter $attendantName | Where-Object Name -eq $attendantName
$callableEntity1 = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity "tel:+4112345" -Type ExternalPSTN
$menuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone1 -CallTarget $callableEntity1
$menuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "To reach our sales department, please press 1, or say operator to be redirected to our company switchboard"
$menu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "Default Menu" -MenuOptions @($menuOption) -Prompts @($menuPrompt)
$greeting = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -ActiveType None -TextToSpeechPrompt 
$callFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "Default Call Flow" -Menu $menu -Greetings $greeting
$autoAttendant.DefaultCallFlow = $callFlow
Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $autoAttendant



I was able to resolve the problems.



View solution in original post