Consultative transfer of phone calls not possible anymore

Copper Contributor

Hi community!

We are facing the following issue since 8th June. When our app is doing a consultative transfer of an audio call, we receive the "tranferAccepted" commsNotification, but the call is, in fact, not transfered or is automatically terminated after a short moment.

The call objects (checked via Graph API) are still in the state of before the transfer, which does not make any sense, because we received the transferAccepted and onHold messages for the respective calls.


With consultative transfer I mean: I call the transfer-target person before the transfer and, if accepted, the original call is then transfered to that target user with option "replacesCallId".


When reproducing this process with standard auto attendants, we get the same issue. Especially strange: the transfer-target user needs to accept the transfered call twice to actually accept the transfer.


The MS support is not reacting to the ticket I opened three days ago. :facepalm: This is a big issue for us, though. Do you understand what might have changed around the 8th June? This process was working flawlessly before.


Edit: This only happens when the initially, to-be-transfered call is via phone. 


Kind regards

3 Replies

@andreasjm - Thanks for reaching out to us, let me check this issue with internal team and will get back to you. 

Let me add a detail.
If you transfer a call coming from a regular Teams client, it works, as I said.


If you transfer a call coming from a telephone (associated with an application instance), then the attached commsNotification is received after the transferAccepted notification. The referenced call is the transfered one.

This does not come, when using a Teams client instead of a phone.

This message is not documented and new since the 8th June. 


@odata.type: "#microsoft.graph.commsNotifications"
    value: [
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotification",
        "changeType": "updated",
        "resource": "/app/calls/7c1f5c00-1d34-42a4-9a3f-0d77b1d9baf1",
        "resourceUrl": "/communications/calls/7c1f5c00-1d34-42a4-9a3f-0d77b1d9baf1",
        "resourceData": {
          "@odata.type": "",
          "state": "established",
          "resultInfo": {
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo",
            "code": 400,
            "subcode": 8538,
            "message": "CallEndReasonLocalUserInitiated. DiagCode: 603#0"
          "callChainId": "95f09401-721e-4751-bde6-8e34d61e5d23",
          "replacesContext": "aHR0cHM6Ly9jYy1mcmNlLTA2LmNjLnNreXBlLmNvbS9jYy92MS9jYWxsUGFydGljaXBhbnQvNTgyNTc3OTctNjMxOC00NWQwLWE0ZWItYmJiYjQ2Mzg4NDFjLzEwL2szLzI1Mi9yZXBsYWNlbWVudD9ydD0yN2ExYzY1ZTIwZjE0MDUwYjFhYjVlYWJjNzA5ZGM2MiZyYz1leUp5ZEd4aWNtTWlPbnNpYVhCa2FYUmpJanBtWVd4elpTd2ljSE4wSWpvaVEyRnNiR2x1WjFCc1lXNXpJbjBzSW5KMGFXUWlPaUkwT2lzME9URTFOelU0TkRneE16WTFJbjAlMjUzZCZpPTE0NSZlPTYzNzU3NTcyOTYwNDE0OTI2Mg=="


@andreasjm - Could you please check this sample for reference and try this out.