Configuring devops connector for PR for team in different project then repo

Copper Contributor


I would like to configure a connector for azure dev ops where:

Team 1 is in project A

Repository is in project B for the team 1


Is it possible to receive notifications in teams channel in such of configuration?




4 Replies

@mateuszzaborowskiaer -Are you developing any Microsoft Teams App?

@Sayali-MSFT No, I'm trying to use azure devops connector

@mateuszzaborowskiaer1640 -Power Apps connector for Azure DevOps allows you to work with Azure DevOps instance. You can view Azure DevOps queries, choose work items based on different work item types, view or edit details all from inside a canvas app that connects to Azure DevOps.
you'll create a canvas app that connects to Azure DevOps to retrieve the list of queries, and work with work items within the project.
Reference Document-Connect to Azure DevOps from Power Apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

@mateuszzaborowskiaer1640 - Could you please confirm if your issue has resolved with above suggestion or still looking for any help?