Space needed to migrate a disk
Published Feb 15 2019 03:14 AM 358 Views
First published on TECHNET on Jun 05, 2010

The MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM script can have many formats one of which is to migrate a source disk to a target disk or array of disks. How much space do you need to migrate? You need at least as much as the source disk size of course but what if 1 or more volumes span to another disk? Take the sample below; you have Disk-1 and Disk-2 (both 750GB) with 4 volumes, note that volume V3 (green) spans Disk-1 and Disk-2.

If you want to migrate Disk-1 you have to migrate V1, V2 and all of V3 which totals to more than the size of Disk-1. Given possible spanning scenarios this is more challenging than you might expect. If all involved volumes are replica volumes it is fairly straight forward (“Get-DPMdisk” gives you all replicas) but if 1 or more are recovery point volumes it becomes a different ballgame. The script below figures that out and the synopsis explains how it does that.

#begin script
param([string] $global:Debug)
# We first get lists we need to select from and reference against
# Feed all DPM disks to  GetMigSizeByDisk()
# GetMigSizebyDisk()
#        walk all PGmembers on given disk
#        need to check if recovery point volumes are on same disk (PGmember[] are only replicas)
#        get recovery point volume from volume-list by VolumesetId (from member) and size not equal to replica
#        get recovery point extents from extents-list and see if any DiskId matches current disk identifier
#        when it does, we need to account for replica + shadowcopyarea sizes else just replica
#        next member until all members on disk done
#        return total size

function GetMigSizeByDisk
param($disk, $extents, $dss, $Vols )
[int64]$size = 0
#For all data source members on current disk
foreach ($m in ($disk.PgMember | Sort-Object -Property volumesetid -Unique))
#we use ds to take sizes from rather than selects and sum proper extents
$ds = $dss | ? {$m.DatasourceId -eq $}
$datasource = @($disk.pgmember | ? {$m.volumesetid -eq $_.volumesetid})
if ($datasource.count -gt '1') {write-host "      Datasources below are co-located" -f yellow}
foreach ($datasource1 in $datasource)
$datasource2 = $dss | ? { $datasource1.datasourceid -eq $}
write-host "     " $datasource2
$expr = "VolumeSetId='{0}' and usage = 2" -f $m.VolumeSetID, $vols.usage
$RecoVolume = @($Vols.Select("$expr"))
$RecoExpr = "Guidname='{0}'" -f $RecoVolume[0].GuidName
$RecoExtents = @($extents.Select("$RecoExpr"))
# At least 1 recovery point volume extent lives on same disk as replica
# We must now add shadowcopy size to total
$size += $ds.ReplicaSize + $ds.ShadowCopyAreaSize #$includes all extents whereever they are
$expr = "VolumeSetId='{0}' and usage = 1" -f $m.VolumeSetID, $vols.usage
$Replica = $Vols.Select("$expr")
$expr = "guidname= '{0}'"  -f $replica[0].guidname
$replica2 = $"$expr")
foreach ($replica1 in $replica2)
if ($debug -eq 'DEBUG')
write-host "         Replica volume Size  - $('{0,8:N2}'-f($replica1.extentsize/$GB)) GB - Replica on Disk $('{0,3}'-f($replica1.ntdisknumber)) - Volume GUID " $replica1.Guidname -f green
write-host "         Replica volume Size  - $('{0,8:N2}'-f($replica1.extentsize/$GB)) GB - Replica on Disk $('{0,3}'-f($replica1.ntdisknumber))" -f green

$expr = "VolumeSetId='{0}' and usage = 2" -f $m.VolumeSetID, $vols.usage
$Recovery = @($Vols.Select("$expr"))
$expr = "guidname= '{0}'"  -f $recovery[0].guidname
$recovery2 = $"$expr")
foreach ($recovery1 in $recovery2)
if ($debug -eq 'debug')
write-host "         Recovery volume size - $('{0,8:N2}' -f($recovery1.Extentsize/$GB)) GB - Recovey on Disk $('{0,3}' -f($recovery1.ntdisknumber)) - Volume GUID " $recovery1.Guidname -f green
write-host "         Recovery volume size - $('{0,8:N2}' -f($recovery1.Extentsize/$GB)) GB - Recovey on Disk $('{0,3}' -f($recovery1.ntdisknumber))" -f green
return $size

$version = "v1.5"
$global:MB = 1024 * 1024
$global:GB = $MB * 1024
$global:dpmservername = @(hostname)
$ConfirmPreference = 'None'

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") >> $null
#get sqlserver and instane from registry
$reg = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager"
$sqlservername = $reg.GetValue(5).getvalue("sqlserver")
$instance = $reg.GetValue(5).getvalue("instancename")
$servername = "$sqlservername\$instance"
$srvr = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $servername
$db = $srvr.Databases["DPMDB"]

#get disks, volume,  extents and datasource lists once
$VolTable = $db.ExecutewithResults(" select *  from tbl_SPM_Volume where VolumeSetID is not null ").Tables[0]
# $extentlist = $db.ExecutewithResults(" select *  from tbl_SPM_Extent").Tables[0]
$extentlist = $db.ExecutewithResults(" select extent.diskid, extent.DiskOffset, extent.GuidName, extent.ExtentSize,disk.NTDiskNumber  from tbl_SPM_Extent extent join tbl_SPM_Disk disk on extent.DiskID = disk.DiskID").Tables[0]

$disks = @(Get-DPMDisk "$dpmservername" ) | sort -Property NtDiskId
$datasourcelist = Get-Datasource "$dpmservername"

#Now go to work
Write-Host ("`nMigrateSpaceNeeded $version evaluating {0} DPM disks...`n" -f $disks.count) -f yellow
foreach ($d in $disks)
write-host (" ==> Checking Datasources on Disk-{0}" -f $d.NtDiskID) -f cyan
$MigSize = ( (GetMigSizeByDisk $d $extentlist $datasourcelist $Voltable)/ $GB).Tostring("N2")
write-host; Write-Host (" ==> to migrate Disk-{0} you need $MigSize GB on the destination" -f $d.NtDiskID) -f cyan; write-host
Write-Host "`nDone!`n" -f white

#end script

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 08:28 AM
Updated by: