Portal Source Code with Multi-Language Support Now Released!
Published Feb 15 2019 07:23 AM 361 Views
First published on TECHNET on Jun 17, 2011
When we originally released the portal source code back in March it only contained the English display strings.  We have now added the resource files for all the other 20 languages to the download package now.  The build/deployment guide also has an updated set of instructions on how to change display strings in non-English languages.

The download page says that the release is only for a specific list of languages, but the reality is that without a lot of extra effort I couldn’t build installers in some of the languages. All of the packages regardless of which language it is for contains all of the resources files for all of the languages.  So – if you don’t see a download package for the language you want don’t worry, just download one of the installers (let’s say English since chances are you probably understand English well enough to go through the installer dialogs since you are reading this blog).  The only difference between the different download packages is the display language of the installer and the language of the license agreement.

Here is the download location for the English installer:


Don’t for get to check out these handy blog posts on how to change some of the common things people like to change in the portal:

Customizing the Self-Service Portal Source Code Example #1–Displaying the Local Time on the Port...

Customizing the Self-Service Portal Source Code Example #2–Hiding the Urgency Drop Down

SCSM.se blog:

Minor SSP modifications, part 1 – Preparations

Minor SSP modifications, part 2 – Changing the default urgency of an incident

Minor SSP modifications, part 3 – Changing the preferred contact information behavior

Minor SSP modifications, part 4 – Changing status of an incident when updated by the End user

Thanks to Anders Asp for contributing those last 4 to the blogosphere!

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 08:48 AM
Updated by: