CLI Script: Force mark tape as free
Published Feb 14 2019 07:54 PM 538 Views
First published on TECHNET on Sep 04, 2007

This script allows a user to mark any tape as free so that it is available for protection by DPM. Tapes which have unexpired data cannot be marked as free from the GUI but sometimes (esp. while testing) users need to override this behaviour.

Save this script as a .ps1 file and run it. Usage and examples of scripts can be found by calling them with ‘-?’ or ‘-help’ from inside DPM Management Shell.

----------------------------- Start of Script --------------------------------


([string] $DPMServerName, [string] $LibraryName, [string[]] $TapeLocationList)


(("-?","-help") -contains $Args[0])
Write-Host "Usage: ForceFree-Tape.ps1 [[-DPMServerName] <Name of the DPM server>] [-LibraryName] <Name of the library> [-TapeLocationList] <Array of tape locations>"
Write-Host "Example: Force-FreeTape.ps1 -LibraryName "My library" -TapeLocationList Slot-1, Slot-7"
exit 0

if (!$DPMServerName)
$DPMServerName = Read-Host "DPM server name: "
if (!$DPMServerName)
Write-Error "Dpm server name not specified."
exit 1

if (!(Connect-DPMServer $DPMServerName))
Write-Error "Failed to connect To DPM server $DPMServerName"
exit 1


= @(Get-DPMLibrary $DPMServerName )
if ($library.count -eq 0)
Write-Error "Failed to find library with user friendly name $LibraryName"
exit 1


$library | foreach {$_.userfriendlyname}
$LibraryName = Read-Host "Library name (cut & paste from above): "
if (!$LibraryName)

Write-Error "Library name not specified."
exit 1


$tmp = Read-Host "Tape location: "
write-host "Processing this slot list..."
if (!$TapeLocationList)
Write-Error "Tape location not specified."
exit 1

foreach ($media in @(Get-Tape -DPMLibrary $library))
if ($TapeLocationList -contains $media.Location)
if ($media -is [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.LibraryManagement.ArchiveMedia])
foreach ($rp in @(Get-RecoveryPoint -Tape $media))
Get-RecoveryPoint -Datasource $rp.Datasource | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Removing recovery point created at $($rp.RepresentedPointInTime) for tape in $($media.Location)."
Remove-RecoveryPoint -RecoveryPoint $rp -ForceDeletion -Confirm:$false

Write-Verbose "Setting tape in $($media.Location) as free."
Set-Tape -Tape $media -Free
Write-Error "The tape in $($media.Location) is a cleaner tape."

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 07:57 AM
Updated by: