Announcing the Availability of System Center 2012 CTP2 – Data Protection Manager
Published Feb 15 2019 02:19 PM 193 Views
First published on TECHNET on Jun 15, 2012

As Vijay announced , the System Center 2012 SP1 CTP2 is now available for download! We’d like to provide some additional information about what’s shipping in CTP2 for the DPM component:

Efficient data protection of VMs deployed on Hyper-V over CSV:

Windows 2012 CSV 2.0 enhanced its CSV capabilities that will make the backup more efficient.  DPM has enabled Expressfull backup feature for Hyper-V CSV.  This takes out the big pain point of customer going through CC mode for all backups.  DPM protection performance has improved by 90% compared to CSV 1.0 deployments on Win2K8R2.  The performance is further improved by allowing parallel backups, taking owner-nonowner  node dependencies.  All these features are possible without customer deploying expensive hardware providers.

Efficient data protection of VMs deployed on Hyper-V over SMB:

Windows 2012 Hyper-V can now store its data not only on local storage or CSV but also can store its data on a remote SMB file share.  Using this, customers can benefit of live migration of VMs from standalone/cluster to another standalone/cluster without storage migration using Windows 2012 platform.  Customers also get great benefit of storage consolidation and cheaper cluster solutions.  DPM will now be able to protect VMs deployed on this configuration.  DPM continue to do the efficient backup of VM even after live migration when the source and target Hyper-V platforms are using same remote SMB file share which can be deployed on standalone file server or scale out SMB cluster.  DPM can do protection seamlessly in both scenarios.

VM Live Migration – Uninterrupted & Efficient VM backup:

Windows 2012 allows customers to do live migration inter cluster, intra cluster, cluster to standalone, standalone to cluster with or without storage migration.  DPM,  tightly integrated with VMM, is now able to detect and continue backup even if the VM is live migrated.  DPM now has intelligence to detect that VM has gone to other machine and is able to protect from there.  This technology combined with Hyper-V over Remote SMB share can now help customers continue to have efficient backups even when the VM live migration happens across hosts that share remote SMB.  Another great feature that provides flexibility and power to customer.

Efficient Dedupe protection:

Windows 2012 has introduced Dedupe functionality that will help customers reduce their storage consumption.  This is great for customers who have huge file servers that are mainly archival  that do not have much churning.  Thanks to DPM’s new support, DPM is now able to protect the “Windows 2012” Deduped file systems efficiently.  DPM is not only intelligent to detect that the file system is Deudpe enabled but also transfer the data on the wire efficiently and store it efficiently.  All of this is achieved without rerunning the Dedupe logic on the DPM server side.

Reminders :

· CTP1 cannot be upgraded to CTP2 and CTP2 will not be upgradable to Beta.

· CTP2 is not supported for production use.

· Procedures not covered in the documentation might not work.




The entire installation of System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 CTP2.

Documentation for all the components.

-Neela Syam Kolli

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 09:28 AM
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