Surface Hub calendar question

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Current the Surface Hub calendar shows free/busy in scheduling assistant for any user looking to check the schedule and book the hub. I've had some requests to make the calendar public (essentially give read permissions to all users) so they can see who has reserved the device.  I can see this being helpful but also can see loss of meeting privacy.  I am also unsure if it can be done and free/busy is the only option.

So my question is how are others handling the Surface Hub calendar and support of meeting visibility?

2 Replies
Hi Rick

We use a third party tool to supplement Outlook when booking meeting rooms, and this tool does tell us who has booked the room. So our default configuration in Exchange only shows free/busy, and the tool then tells us who has it booked.

Assuming that you aren't hiding meeting information on the Surface Hub itself (unless of course someone books it as a private meeting) then giving the organisation read permissions to the Surface Hub calendar is no different from them going into the room to check the Welcome Screen and the meeting carousel on the Surface Hub itself.

So long as it's only the meeting subject and organiser that is made read only and not the content of the meeting invite itself, then personally I'd see no problem with this.

After all, if the meeting is private they can mark it as such and it'll still hide the meeting details.

Hello Rick,


The calendar information can be configured with the Set-CalendarProcessing cmdlet. You can use the -RemovePrivateProperty and set it to $false and have the users mark their meetings as private. Other useful switches are: -AddOrganizerToSubject $false, -DeleteSubject $true, -DeleteComments $true

