Power Button remains orange.


Hi all,


when I try to power on the Surface HUB 84 Device, the power button does not react. Nothing happens, no screen/Image, whatsoever.

Even if I Restart via Power chord or Hard Power Off-Button, Nothing happends. 

The power on Switch on the fright side of the SH just gets for 1/2 second to White, but then immediately back to orange and does not get to ON.


Any advise ?


Thanks in Advance.

3 Replies

This sounds similar to the power supply failure I had on one of our 84" Surface Hubs. You'll want to open a ticket with Microsoft Support.


Hello @v-codine ,


Before opening a ticket, please check if the device is in Replacement PC mode. The power button will stay amber in this case and on the screen you will see the video input methods (PC, HDMI, VGA, DP)




Thanks For Letting me know I can help