Meeting attachments and content

Copper Contributor

Are meeting attachments supposed to be accessible on Surface Hubs?


Say you schedule a meeting with a Surface Hub and attach some items, are they supposed to be accessible??????


I've tried hitting the "Content" button bottom right in the meeting window, followed the PIN process but attachments don't show?  


 I even tried set-CalendarProcessing DeleteAttachments =False and set-DeleteNonCalendaritems =False


5 Replies
Only PowerPoint attachments are supposed to work, pre-loading your slides.

Thank you very much for the clarification, very helpful.  Would be nice if all meeting attachments were available.  Where does one submit enhancement requests to Microsoft?   

I was aware that only PowerPoint meeting attachments were supported and when attaching them to meetings with the Hub it was inconsistent at best on the Hub.  The content often wouldn't be on the Hub.  I was surprised that the supported method is:


Accessing content attached to meeting invite Before an attachment is visible on the Surface Hub, the Skype for Business meeting originator must present the content while connected to the meeting. Begin by choosing Present > Manage Content on the meeting originator’s Skype for Business client. Note: this is not done on the Surface Hub.  But the user’s PC.


@Cezar Cretu 


To begin sharing a file with the meeting participants click Present within your Skype for Business desktop client and choose Present PowerPoint Files.  Once you have chosen your file and clicked Open, the file will be automatically shared and uploaded to the meeting space. Click the Content tab icon to select the file you want to present.



Page 26 of the user guide has the screenshots too.

Hello @PHLiGHT,


Indeed, only PowerPoint files will show on the Surface Hub. Why the behavior is inconsistent needs to be investigated in a support ticket. I do recommend that you send the meeting invite with the PPT attached at least 15 minutes before the call as this is the time the Surface Hub will check for calendar updates. 


Best regards,
