Welcome to our blog!
Published Apr 10 2019 01:04 AM 401 Views
Iron Contributor
First published on TECHNET on Nov 23, 2005
Hello and welcome to the Windows Core File Services team blog. I'm Jill Zoeller, the Community PM for our group. Part of my job is to help our product team get more involved with customers, and this blog aimed at IT Pros (along with our developer blog ) is one of our first community efforts. When I sent a broadcast mail to recruit bloggers, I was delighted to hear from over a dozen people--developers, testers, program managers, consultants, and product managers--who are interested in blogging about our technologies. We should have plenty to talk about, such as the upcoming release of Windows Server 2003 R2. R2 contains a pretty big collection of our technologies, including:

  • Distributed File System (includes DFS Namespaces and our new replicator known as DFS Replication)
  • Common Log File System (aka CLFS--this will get more coverage in our developer blog )
  • File Server Management
  • File Server Resource Manager
  • Microsoft Services for Network File System
  • Storage Management for SANs

I will admit my own bias up front: my biggest passions are the technologies in Distributed File System. I spent the past year as a technical writer documenting DFS Namespaces and DFS Replication, and I can't wait to start blogging about these technologies. But first, there is a turkey in Kirkland with my name on it.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 10 2019 01:04 AM
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