sys.xp_copy_file doesn't exist

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone!

I'm working on a sql project and use the extended procedure sys.xp_copy_file to copy files. While it worked on the testing server, the script crashed on the produciton server. It threw an error saying "Cannot find stored procedure 'master.sys.xp_copy_file'.". I compared the testing and production server and indeed found it missing on the production server. I then proceed to check if there are any dll missing in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn (Since this seems to be where most dlls are located), but surprised that both servers have the same dlls. Which led me to believe that the dll IS on the server, but the procedure is not registered properly. Unfortunately, there are no documentation on the associated dll of the xp_copy_file. Does anyone know what dll it belongs to, or maybe there's other things causing this problem?

Has anyone encountered such problem before?

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