Struggling with Rich Text Field

Copper Contributor

Hello Community,

I have a SQL table which has a column containing rich text field tags. I am trying for 2 days now to get rid of the tags but nothing is working for me.


<div class="ExternalClass00D082CB77D043AC975C783B3BC9B418">PR approval process complete, currently with procurement. EU to provide the Scope and SSJ. Else Procurement with reject the PR.</div>


Below is how the text appears while in the actual website, the data appears like this:




The removal process cannot be hard-coded because every record tags are different from another. For example see the below example:


<div class="ExternalClass156752DF6D8A4BBF84D75235021E4A45">Demand status updated to&#160;Under Tech. Procurement&#160;-&#160;Pending PR Creation
<div class="ExternalClass1A849FEC18A44CCE90E425ED0F54A1A2"><html> <p>​One time Support Request.<br></p></html></div>&#160;</div>

*I have attached the actual output of this from website


If anyone can help me on how to clean the characters with a SQL function or maybe a C# code that will be very helpful.


I have tried the below links and they do not solve my problem.

Any help on this issue will be very much appreciated.

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