SQL Query DBMail to send email in a table designed in CSS and HTML

Copper Contributor
USE [20417CDR];

/*Declare Variables for DML*/

DECLARE @ReportingPeriodStart DATE;
DECLARE @ReportingPeriodEnd DATE;
/*Declare Variables for HTML*/ 

DECLARE @variablechk INT='';

/*Define CSS for html to use*/

SET @Style += +N'<style type="text/css">' + N'.tg  {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#aaa;}'
    + N'.tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#aaa;color:#333;background-color:#fff;}'
    + N'.tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#aaa;color:#fff;background-color:#0F3870;}'
    + N'.tg .tg-9ajh{font-weight:bold;background-color:lightgrey}' + N'.tg .tg-hgcj{font-weight:bold;text-align:center}'
    + N'</style>';

SET @tableHTML = @Style + @tableHTML + N'<H2>CDR Summary</H2>' 
	+ N'<table class="tg">' --DEFINE TABLE
/*Define Column Headers and Column Span for each Header Column*/
	+ N'<tr>'
    + N'<th class="tg-hgcj" colspan="4">CDR</th>'
	+ N'</tr>'
	+ N'</tr>'
/*Define Column Sub-Headers*/
	+ N'<tr>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Attempt</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Duration in Min</td>'
/*Define data for table and cast to xml*/
    + CAST(( SELECT td = CONVERT(CHAR(8), count(id), 112),
                    td = CAST(SUM(DurationInSeconds) / 60 AS NUMERIC(18,2)) ,
                    FROM   [TOneWhS_CDR].[CDR]
             XML PATH('tr') ,
           ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) 
	+ N'</table>'
	+ N'</br>'
	+ N'</br>'
	+ N'<table class="tg">' --DEFINE TABLE
/*Define Column Headers and Column Span for each Header Column*/
	+ N'<tr>'
    + N'<th class="tg-hgcj" colspan="2">CDR Main</th>'
	+ N'<th class="tg-hgcj" colspan="2">CDR Invalid</th>'
	+ N'<th class="tg-hgcj" colspan="2">CDR Failed</th>'
	+ N'<th class="tg-hgcj" colspan="2">CDR Partial</th>'
	+ N'<th class="tg-hgcj" colspan="2">CDR interconnect</th>'
	+ N'</tr>'
/*Define Column Sub-Headers*/
	+ N'<tr>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Attempt</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Duration in Min</td>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Attempt</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Duration in Min</td>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Attempt</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Duration in Min</td>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Attempt</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Duration in Min</td>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Attempt</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Total Duration in Min</td>'

/*Define data for table and cast to xml*/

    + CAST(( SELECT td = CONVERT(CHAR(8), count(a.CDRId), 112),
					td = CAST(SUM(a.DurationInSeconds) / 60 AS NUMERIC(18,2)),
					td = CONVERT(CHAR(8), count(b.CDRId), 112),
					td = CAST(SUM(b.DurationInSeconds) / 60 AS NUMERIC(18,2)),
                    td = CONVERT(CHAR(8), count(c.CDRId), 112),
					td = CAST(SUM(c.DurationInSeconds) / 60 AS NUMERIC(18,2)),
					td = CONVERT(CHAR(8), count(d.CDRId), 112),
					td = CAST(SUM(d.DurationInSeconds) / 60 AS NUMERIC(18,2)),
					td = CONVERT(CHAR(8), count(e.CDRId), 112),
					td = CAST(SUM(e.DurationInSeconds) / 60 AS NUMERIC(18,2)),
					from [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Main] a
					full join [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Invalid] b
					on a.CDRId = b.CDRId
					full join [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Failed] c
					on a.CDRId = c.CDRId
					full join [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_PartialPriced] d
					on a.CDRId = d.CDRId
					full join [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Interconnect] e
					on a.CDRId = e.CDRId
             XML PATH('tr') ,
           ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) 
	+ N'</table>'
	+ N'</br>'
	+ N'</br>'
	+ N'<table class="tg">' --DEFINE TABLE

/*Define Column Sub-Headers 2 RESULT SECTION!!!!!!*/

	+ N'<tr>'
	+ N'<td class="tg-9ajh">Result</td>'
    + N'<td class="tg-9ajh" style="background-color:red;"></td>'

/*Define data for table and cast to xml*/

	+ N'</table>'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
	 @profile_name = 'Mahmoud El Khatib',
     @recipients = 'my mail',
	 @body = @tableHTML,
     @body_format = 'HTML',
	 @subject = 'CDR';

I'm writing this code to send a table with specific data in a table with html and CSS code imbedded, in the result section I'm trying to write a store procedure that return true or false, if it's true the output will be "All good! (with green background) and if it's false the output will be "All Bad! (with red background).

I could not find the write code to put my store procedure in the sql code, can anyone help me out? 



DROP procedure IF EXISTS spchecktables;
create procedure spchecktables
declare @cdr int
declare @maincdrtable int
declare @invalidcdrtable int
declare @failedcdrtable int
declare @interconnectcdrtable int
declare @partialcdrtable int

select @cdr = count(id) from [TOneWhS_CDR].[CDR]
select @maincdrtable = count(CDRId) from [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Main]
select @invalidcdrtable = count(CDRId) from [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Invalid]
select @failedcdrtable = count(CDRId) from [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Failed]
select @interconnectcdrtable = count(CDRId) from [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_Interconnect]
select @partialcdrtable = count(CDRId) from [TOneWhS_CDR].[BillingCDR_PartialPriced]

if (@cdr = @maincdrtable + @invalidcdrtable + @failedcdrtable + @interconnectcdrtable + @partialcdrtable )
print 'All is good!'
print 'all is bad'





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