Oct 02 2024 08:50 AM
My Microsoft SQL Server error log contains very often the following line "RemoveStaleDbEntries: Cleanup of stale DB entries skipped because master db is not memory optimized.
Parallel redo is started for database 'database_y' with worker pool size [4].
Parallel redo is shutdown for database 'database_y' with worker pool size [4].
RBPEX::NotifyFileShutdown: Called for database ID: [5], file Id [0]
Starting up database 'database_y'. " where database_y has database ID: [5]
DBCC CHECKDB ('database_y')
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors in database 'database_y'
Do you have any idea how to continue the investigation?
Thank you.
Best regards,