Jan 29 2020 12:21 PM
I just got a new laptop and am I running Office 365. I installed SQL Server Management Studio V18.4 on my laptop. However, I no longer have the bcp utility. I have searched the internet in trying to successfully install bcp and have not been successful. I hope you can assist me in getting the bulk copy program installed on my laptop.
Thank you.
Jan 29 2020 06:57 PM
Hi @Vinita_P ,
I checked out the bcp.exe and found it’s not a part of SSMS. That file is bounded SQL server installation thus you can find it under <...\SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\.
If bcp.exe on your side is under that folder but cannot work, could you re-copy it or just post the error message you get in this stream?
Jan 30 2020 11:12 AM
Hi @Vinita_P --
It sounds as though you are missing the Command Line Utilities. These can be downloaded from the link below. Hope that helps.